2011_09_07 Industrial Afternoon: The aftermath

LLUMEN has had its first live appearance at the InsideOut boat in Liege! It was a long drive and an early Sunday morning right in the middle of one of the most hectic periods in our professional lives (and they aren't over yet) It was a very nice afternoon with an extremely enthusiastic crowd.

Most of all it was loud, it may well have been a bit to loud, making the sound appear very distorted. I just thought the monitor speakers were bust, but there was definitely something not right with the overall sound. For which we apologies, it was supposed to sound extremely clear and balanced.

It did get us into a lively discussion on the advantages/disadvantages of using hardware/software that is still not resolved. All in all lessons were learned and we take this experience with is for our next gig(s), where a more controllable (so hardware) setup will make its debut.

Also, work is being done on the visuals and if SparkFun would be so kind to deliver my order soon I'll be adding some novel self-build controllers to the live setup. If not I'm afraid I'll have to bring out my keytar!!

2011_08_21 Industrial Afternoon on the 4th of September

LLUMEN is going live!!
Industrial Afternoon is an event organised by Ethan Fawkes. He asked me to play at the event and I am looking forward to do so! This event also explains why it has been so quit on the website these last few months, prepartion is the key to succes and a lot needed to be done.

llumen will be 3 on stage, bringing some extra guitar-wizardry to the table and some nice beatmangling too. Expect an eclectic choice of songs, brought to you on a boat, which is a particular challenge for me, since I get seasick really fast.

The full line up is as follows:
- Ash (opening DJ set)
- Letzte Krankheit
- Anamorphosis
- Ethan Fawkes

2011_06_06 Dark Essence Radio

This week's Dark Essence radio show played a new song of mine Where We Collide.

2011_05_27 Biography

I've added the biography to the site, I'll add some pictures there soon

2011_05_26 What's in the news today...

This news section will address all updates to this site, and will also be a linked recap of the blog. I'm trying to use some color coding on the stuff I post, starting with white to address everything that is related to just the site.

2011_06_25 The new website is online since today!

It is still under construction, and propably will be under construction for some more time. Since work is a bit overwhelming at the moment, there is little time left to make new music, let alone spend time on a website. For a more up to date view of things happening at the LLUMEN camp, you can visit the blog or the facebook page